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【 2005-02-24 发布 】 美迪医讯

一种新型医疗DVD用于影像的、依从性的以及档案应用,改进了数据整合以及数据的寿命。MaxPro Hardcoat技术生产的增强型DVD-R介质,提供了高水平的数据保护,是现在使用的DVD档案支架寿命的2倍。Maxell医疗DVD-R具有DICOM(医学数字影像与通信)兼容性,产品耐刮擦、耐灰尘以及耐烟熏,而且档案寿命延长,适合重要医疗影像、患者病例、数据备份、以及固定内容的存储。

Medical-Grade DVDs
A new medical DVD developed for imaging, compliance, and archival applications provides improved data integrity and longevity.

The MaxPro Hardcoat technology produces enhanced DVD-R media that provides a high level of data protection for up to twice the archival shelf life of existing DVDs. Maxell Medical DVD-R is DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)-compliant, and with its scratch, dust, and smudge resistance and extended archival life, it is suitable for critical medical images, patient records, backup, and fixed content storage.

Manufactured by Maxell Corp. (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA), the DVD-R’s protective layer and extended archival performance makes it the suitable recordable DVD standard for the full spectrum of medical storage applications, from the large capacity requirements of radiology and cardiology digital image archiving, to medical training and educations, and to the data-to-day backup of business operations and patient records.

本文关键字: Maxell集团,DVD 
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