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【 2005-02-26 发布 】 美迪医讯


哥伦比亚大学医学中心的研究人员构建了一种包含转录因子PEA-3和AP-1的腺病毒载体。目前已知这些因子能够触发无活性PROM-PEG癌蛋白转化为一种凋亡起始子,活性PEG-3(progression-elevated gene-3)。PROM-PEG通常在癌细胞中大量存在,但是在正常细胞中并不存在。


哥伦比亚大学医学中心临床病理教授、主要作者Paul B.Fisher医生 说:“令人高兴的是我们现在能够设计出仅仅针对并清除癌细胞的治疗方法。我们希望这种方法能够特别清除我们不能看见的转移性肿瘤,这种肿瘤不能被手术或者放疗清除。基因治疗,特别对癌症,正在开始治疗的新纪元。”
Transcription Factor Genes Kill Tumors
Cancer researchers working with a rodent model for prostate cancer have used an adenovirus vector to implant the genes for two transcription factors, PEA-3 and AP-1, which selectively activated a tumor-suppressing gene and eradicated the cancer cells without harming normal tissues.

Investigators at Columbia University Medical Center (New York, NY, USA) created an adenovirus vector containing the genes for the transcription factors PEA-3 and AP-1. These factors were known to trigger the conversion of inactive PROM-PEG cancer protein into active PEG-3 (progression-elevated gene-3), an apoptosis initiator. PROM-PEG is generally found in abundance in cancer cells but is not present in normal cells.

Results published in the January 25, 2005, issue of the Proceedings of the [U.S.] National Academy of Sciences revealed that tumors in mice receiving the vector died while normal tissues were not affected. The PEA-1/AP-1 combination was also found to act on melanoma, ovarian, breast, and glioma (brain) tumors.

“What is exciting is we may now be able to design a therapy that will seek out and destroy only cancer cells,” said senior author, Dr. Paul B. Fisher, professor of clinical pathology at Columbia University Medical Center. “We hope it will be particularly powerful in eradicating metastases that we cannot see and that cannot be eliminated by surgery or radiation. Gene therapy, especially for cancer, is really starting to make a comeback.”

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