  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Agfa公司推出计算机X线检查系统  


【 2005-03-17 发布 】 美迪医讯


这套系统叫做CR X线检查解决方案,是由Agfa健康保健公司(Mortsel, Belgium)开发的,能够在使用CR技术的放射治疗条件下获取放射影像。系统能够获得数字XR影像,这与传统胶片不同,提供了影像增强的后处理,从而在放射治疗区域(当前使用放射检查成像)产生更高对比度的影像。


Agfa公司CR X线检查应用产品经理Ann Meersshaert说:“尽管这套解决方案是根据获得成功的元件以及Agfa公司的知识开发的,在影像和信息控制方面及其专业,而且系统专门制作用于应对放射治疗领域的特殊挑战。我们十分自信提供给客户最佳服务。”
CR Radiography System
A new computed radiography (CR) system provides digital simulation and portal imaging for both low- and high-dose applications that use both low- and high-energy x-rays.

The system, called the CR Radiotherapy Solution, was developed by Agfa Healthcare (Mortsel, Belgium) to acquire radiographic images in a radiotherapy environment using CR technology. It enables the acquisition of digital CR images, which, in contrast to traditional film, offer post-processing image enhancement, resulting in higher contrast images within radiotherapy application areas that currently use radiographic imaging.

The CR system is available with Agfa’s recently launched CR 25.0 system, and is capable of serving multiple rooms simultaneously. It complements and can even replace the use of an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) by providing a wider radiation field and image quality the equals that of EPID systems, but at a higher resolution. Also, the configuration of the system enables elements such as the imaging cassette to be more ergonomic, providing excellent flexibility in image manipulation.

“Whilst the solution is based upon proven components and built upon Agfa’s knowledge and expertise in imaging and information management, it has been specially tailor-made to address the particular challenges faced by professionals within the radiotherapy field, and we are confident it will prove invaluable to our customers,” said Ann Meersshaert, product manager, CR Radiotherapy Applications, Agfa.

本文关键字: Agfa公司 
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