  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Frost&Sullivan预计睡眠描计仪器的需求将不断增加  


【 2005-03-21 发布 】 美迪医讯

尽管患者和医生对呼吸暂停认识普遍不足,欧洲用于睡眠暂停诊断市场在2004年据估计增加了12%,达到了5千万美元。根据国际市场营销咨询公司Frost&Sullivan(Palo Alto, CA, USA)的一项最新报道,公众和医务人员对此疾病认识提高,在2011年医疗赔偿和投资增加所获得的税收将达到9千8百万美元。


Fiona Rahman是Frost&Sullivan的研究分析人员,他说:“市场总体增加的绝大部分来自固定PSG部门,因为这种设备预期将广泛用于睡眠暂停诊断市场。但是,进一步的高速增长预期来自便携式和移动PSGs,因为这正在成为诊断的首选设备,能够在家中使用并与心血管诊断相整合。”
European Market for Sleep Apnea Diagnostics
In spite of low awareness among patients and doctors about sleep apnea, the total European market for sleep apnea diagnostics grew at an estimated 12% to reach U.S. $50 million in 2004. Rising public and physician awareness and increases in reimbursement and funding are set to push revenues to $98 million in 2011, according to a new report from Frost & Sullivan (Palo Alto, CA, USA), international marketing consultants.

An aging population and increasing obesity cases are boosting the patient population, and the number of sleep clinics is expanding. Another driver to market expansion is the cardiology sector, which is beginning to recognize the importance of sleep apnea and its links with cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure. Meanwhile, alternatives to fixed polysomnography (PSG) are being investigated, such as ambulatory and portable PSGs based on electrocardiogram (ECG) Holter monitors that can be used at home. Auto-setting machines and improved interfaces that promote patient comfort are also poised to improve compliance.

“The majority of total market growth is expected to be in the fixed PSG segment since this is expected to continue to be the most widely used sleep apnea diagnostic device,” said Fiona Rahman, a research analyst with Frost & Sullivan. “However, further high growth is expected to be found in portable and ambulatory PSGs, as they are becoming preferred choices of diagnostics, as they can be used at home and integrated with cardiac disease diagnostics.”

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