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【 2005-03-24 发布 】 美迪医讯


软件提供了广泛的功能,从入院到患者离院,包括急诊科、重症监护室、麻醉科、医疗档案、护理部以及收费部。这套软件叫做Matrix Box,是由Yuse公司(Leuven, Belgium)研制开发的。重复临床途径只需


Yuse已经研究了系统对比利时10多所医院12个科室的工作质量、工作效率以及工作环境改善的影响。第一阶段着重于急诊科、手术室以及重症监护室。结果显示如果所有比利时医院使用Matrix Box,医院

将因为质量和效率的提高而每年节约1千万欧元。质量平均提高了39%。协助Yuse公司此项研究项目的是来自Vlerick Leuven Gent管理学校的一个小组。

Yuse公司执行总裁Jo Vandebergh指出:“迄今为止,已经部署了数个所谓的孤岛系统。这些都是一些孤立的项目,彼此之间很少能够相互兼容。由于传统的技术、链接和患者资料安全性之间的差异,这种


IT System for Hospital Care Processes
An integrated information technology (IT) system is designed to structure and computerize the entire patient care process in a hospital from the first consultation to the end of treatment.

The software offers extensive functions, from admittance to patient dismissal, including the emergency department, the intensive care unit, anesthesia, medical records, nursing department, and billing. Called

Matrix Box, the software was developed by Yuse (Leuven, Belgium). Repetitive clinical pathways are entered into the program only once, after which all departments can follow up the multidisciplinary care

program. This pathway determines the process and, as such, directs the sequence of the care process.

Yuse has researched the impact of the system on quality, efficiency, and improvement of working conditions in 12 departments in more than 10 hospitals in Belgium. The first phase was focused on the

emergency department, operating room, and intensive care unit. The results showed that if all Belgian hospitals used the Matrix Box they would realize annual savings of more than one billion euros because of

gains in quality and efficiency. Quality would be improved by an average of 39%. Aiding Yuse in its research program was a team from the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

“Up to now, a number of so-called island systems have already been implemented. These are separate programs, which are rarely ever compatible with one another,” noted Jo Vandebergh, CEO of Yuse. “

Besides the traditional problems such as different technologies, links, and security of patient data, this approach is a dead-
end street, since it is completely at odds with the patient’s clinical pathway.”

She added, “The only solution is hospital-wide, integrated software where the main focus is on the patient.”

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