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【 2005-04-05 发布 】 美迪医讯




紧凑型DeltaII型是Dornier医学科技公司(Munich, Germany)的产品,该公司是一家生产碎石机、urotables、整形外科冲击波设备、以及医学美学激光设备的专业公司。该公司在2005年3月土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行的欧洲泌尿科学年会上介绍了这种新型产品。

Dornier医学科技公司首席执行官Dave Eng评论说:“在紧凑型DeltaII型中整合FarSight与UIMS技术,为我们提供了独一无二的系列便携式碎石机,进一步完善了影像检查与网络功能。”

New Capabilities in Compact Lithotripter
A compact lithotripter offers new imaging and information-management options that make it more useful than other lithotripters.

Introduced in this new Compact Delta II is FarSight, an integrated ultrasound technology that allows the operator to “see what you shoot.” It provides continuous monitoring of the stone disintegration process, utilizing a special multi-frequency transducer integrated into the therapy head yet out of the shockwave path. The Compact Delta II offers multiple imaging options, allowing the user to image with x-ray, FarSound ultrasound, or isocentric ultrasound. These can be used independently or in combination.

An additional capability of the Compact Delta II is the Dornier UIMS (urology information-management system). This digital imaging system combines a high-end patient data-management system with comprehensive DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) capabilities.

The Compact Delta II is the product of Dornier MedTech (Munich, Germany), which specializes in lithotripters, urotables, orthopedic shockwave devices, and medical-aesthetic lasers. The company introduced the new model at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology in Istanbul (Turkey) in March 2005.

“The addition of FarSight and UIMS technology in the Compact Delta II gives us a unique offering for our premium line of transportable lithotripters, further bolstering imaging and networking capabilities,” remarked Dave Eng, CEO of Dornier MedTech.

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