  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 以色列Curatronic公司开发出新型脑中风康复设备  


【 2005-04-06 发布 】 美迪医讯




患者使用这种方法来康复瘫痪的手或者足部肌肉。这种Biomove3000设备是由Curatronic公司(Hashmonaim, Israel)研制开发的。这种形式的脑中风康复方法叫做肌电图触发的神经肌肉电刺激(electromyographic-triggered neuromuscular electrical stimulation)。
Device for Stroke Rehabilitation
A new device helps stroke patients re-learn which part of the brain to activate and re-develop spontaneous muscle control. The device, designed for home therapy, has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Biomove 3000 system detects extremely small electromyographic (EMG) signals that persist in paralyzed muscles after a stroke and uses these tiny signals to initiate an electrical stimulation impulse to the muscles, resulting in actual muscle movement by the patient. If regular electrical impulses are not generated or can no longer reach muscles due to stroke damage, normal muscle contraction becomes impossible. The “leftover” EMG signals are often very small and unable to control muscles. This can lead to irreversible damage and loss of muscle function, resulting in paralysis causing a claw hand or dropped foot.

In almost all cases of stroke, there is still a very small amount of electricity that reaches the muscles. These small leftover EMG signals are picked up by stick-on electrodes placed over the paralyzed muscles.

The Biomove device then amplifies these small signals and when an internal preset trigger level is reached, the built-in stimulator returns an electrical stimulation impulse to the same muscles. The muscles now respond as originally “instructed” by the patient’s own brain signal.

Patients use this method to rehabilitate the muscles of an otherwise paralyzed hand or foot. The Biomove 3000 device was developed by Curatronic Ltd. (Hashmonaim, Israel). This form of stroke rehabilitation is known as EMG-triggered NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation).

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