  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 西班牙OWL公司开发出诊断脂肪肝的基因芯片  


【 2005-04-16 发布 】 美迪医讯



这种Hepatochip是由西班牙OWL基因公司、巴塞罗那临床医院肝病科、马德里Principe de Asturias医院联合研制开发的。芯片分析85种共同表达的与非酒精性脂肪肝相关基因,即将与Gregorio Maranon医院的肝病科联合进行验证。

Chip for Diagnosis of Steatohepatitis
The first DNA chip for the diagnosis and prognosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) has been developed, allowing discrimination among normal-, steatosis-, and NASH-predisposed subjects.

NASH is a progressive disease of the liver of unknown etiology, characterized histologically by fatty acid accumulation, hepatocyte damage, and inflammation resembling alcoholic hepatitis. NASH is a critical stage in the process that extends from hepatic steatosis to cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma. NASH is one of the most common causes of elevated aminotransfereases in patients referred for evaluation to hepatologists. Obesity and type-2 diabetes are associated with NASH. Since prevalence is increasing, so will the prevalence of NASH.

The Hepatochip was developed by OWL Genomics (Zamudio, Spain) in collaboration with the hepatology services of the Clinic Hospital in Barcelona and Principe de Asturias Hospital in Madrid. The chip analyzes the co-expression of 85 genes that are related with NASH and is about to be validated in collaboration with the hepatology service of Gregorio Maranon Hospital (Madrid).

The Hepatochip method determines the co-expression of genes in the liver tissue sample, providing monitoring treatment regimens to check progression/regression of these liver pathologies. The chip can also be used as a prognostic tool for NASH-disposed patients, to make a more finely tuned diagnosis and allow healthcare professionals to tailor treatment to individual patient needs. In addition, the chip assesses the efficacy of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis treatment by determining progression or regression of NASH in patients before, during, and after NASH treatment.

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