  首页 > 美迪医讯 > IRadimed公司研制出与核磁共振兼容的灌输系统  


【 2005-05-12 发布 】 美迪医讯



这种灌输泵被设计把将医院当前使用的灌输泵安全简便地转换为受到保护的称做Mridium MRI旁路灌输装置,允许操作者Leur-Lock当前使用的静脉无针装置,而无需切断或者中断静脉通路,减少了由于切断管道与其他系统连接所带来感染的风险。

MRI-Compatible Infusion Pump
A new infusion pump is a nonmagnetic smart infusion system designed for the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) environment, enabling patients to receive intravenous (IV) medications safely and continuously during the course of a scanning procedure.

The Mridium infusion pump, developed by Iradimed Corp. (Winter Park, FL, USA), addresses a critical need for patients on continuous infusion therapy whose diagnosis and treatment increasingly rely on the high-resolution images provided by MRI scans. The pump has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This infusion pump has been designed for fast and easy transfer from hospitals’ current infusion pumps utilizing a novel patent-pending design called the Mridium MRI bypass infusion set, which allows users to Leur-Lock onto their current IV needle-free sets without removing or disconnecting the IV line, reducing the risk of infection from disconnecting tubing with other technologies.

The pump is designed to grow with the hospitals’ needs. With its modular shape, it will have the ability to function as a true dual-channel infusion pump, along with future planned modules and a remote display feature that will allow users to control the technology from outside the MRI environment. This technology includes a built-in dose rate calculator, bolus delivery, upgradeable software technology, up to 12-hour battery life, free flow protection, and a tracking system for logging over 5,000 data input keystrokes.

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