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【 2005-05-14 发布 】 美迪医讯




Ventilators With Noninvasive Mode
Ventilators are now available with a noninvasive mode, which is an adaptation of pressure-support ventilation designed to compensate leaks and to minimize leak-related nuisance alarms.

Raphael intensive care ventilators are available from Hamilton Medical AG (Rhazuns, Switzerland). Noninvasive ventilation provided through a mask, mouthpiece, or helmet interface can decrease the need for intubation and promote early extubation. The results have shown reduced mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reduced ventilation time in COPD and acute renal failure (ARF) patients, and reduced complication rates of ventilator-assisted pneumonias.

A software upgrade adds tube resistance compensation, and all models now include bi-directional apnea backup, expanded monitoring, control, and alarm functions, as well as instructions in Norwegian and Korean languages. The software also provides a “last setup” option, enabling the user to resume ventilation at the settings in effect before the ventilator was last powered down.

The Rhapael is a compact biphasic ventilator designed to help pediatric and adult patients breathe more freely in all modes and phases, by covering the full range of clinical requirements: invasive ventilation, automated ventilation with adaptive support ventilation (ASV), and noninvasive ventilation. The unit is designed for use in the intensive care unit (ICU), cardiac surgery recovery, step-down units, subacute care units, and long-term care centers.

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