  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 美国正在研制婴儿使用的小型扫描仪  


【 2005-07-06 发布 】 美迪医讯


微型PET扫描在动物中使用已经有一段时间。较大型的微型PET扫描仪已经在儿童和成人中使用,但是当用于婴儿的时候并不精确。Harry Chugani博士是美国Hutzel医院的放射科医生,已经开始使用动物影像检查仪,其大小与一台小冰箱差不多,来评估只有2磅左右的婴儿大脑中的化学物质。

Chugani博士 已经在California-Los Angeles大学中开始动物实验。他现在是Michigan儿童医院PET中心的主任。


Small Scanner for Infant Use
A scanning device created for use on small animals is now helping to identify brain disorders in human infants.

Micro-positron emission tomography (PET) imaging has been used for quite a while only on animals. A larger type of the micro-PET scanner has been used on children and adults but is imprecise when used on infants. Dr. Harry Chugani, a radiologist at the Hutzel Hospital (Detroit, MI, USA), has begun utilizing the animal imager, which is approximately the size of a small refrigerator, to evaluate the chemicals in infants’ brains weighing as little as two pounds.

Dr. Chugani has conducted animal studies at the University of California-Los Angeles (USA). He is now director of the PET Center at Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

The device was recently approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Dr. Chugani acquired one of the devices and has used it perform imaging studies on 30 infants since late 2004. The micro-PET scanner has already identified problems such as the source of epileptic seizures or signs of cerebral palsy and other brain disorders. He also hopes to use the scanner to evaluate and predict mental illnesses and try to learn more about how infant brains heal. Researchers believe that this new imaging modality may provide insights into newer types of detection and treatment for infant brain disorders.

本文关键字: 婴儿,扫描仪 
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