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【 2006-02-08 发布 】 美迪医讯

根据Frost & Sullivan(Palo Alto, CA, USA)的一项报告:针对高龄患者和慢性疾病患者的家庭护理,是两项正在快速增长的需求,作为经济有效的高质量健康医疗的措施,正面临着巨大的需求。

对慢性疾病患者的远程监测将会显著减少入院治疗的时间,缩短等待医生预约的时间--这在欧洲特别是英国是特别严重的问题, 因此可以促进它的使用。一项重大挑战是政府拒绝补偿患者远程监测的费用。但是在不远的将来,在英国和德国应用远程监测将很可能获得补偿。

Remote Patient Monitoring in Europe
Homecare for the aged and the chronically ill, two rapidly expanding population segments, are underlining the immense potential of remote patient monitoring as a means of delivering cost-effective, high-quality healthcare in Europe, according to a new report from Frost & Sullivan (Palo Alto, CA, USA).

Remote monitoring of chronically ill patients will significantly reduce costs incurred on hospital stays and shorten waiting times for doctor appointments--a rampant problem in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, thereby promoting its appeal. A key challenge is the refusal of governments to reimburse remote monitoring of patient populations. However, there are indications in the United Kingdom and Germany that remote monitoring is likely to come under the reimbursement bracket in the near future.

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