  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Cypher支架疗效显著优于Taxus支架  


【 2006-02-13 发布 】 美迪医讯

在一项临床试验中,患有分杈病变的患者使用Cordis心脏病学公司(Miami, FL, USA)的Cypher sirolimus释放冠状动脉支架治疗,在晚期面积丧失、再次接受治疗和再次堵塞方面,疗效显著优于Boston科学公司(Natick, MA, USA)的paclitaxel释放Taxus支架。


这项研究结果在2005年11月Dallas(TX, USA)举行的美国心脏学会年度科学会议上进行了报道。这些发现得到了超过40项临床试验项目的支持。
Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Bests Taxus Stent
Patients with bifurcation lesions fared significantly better in a clinical trial when treated with the Cypher sirolimus-eluting coronary stent of Cordis Cardiology (Miami, FL, USA) than with the paclitaxel-eluting Taxus stent of Boston Scientific (Natick, MA, USA) in areas of late loss, re-treatment, and re-blockage.

The 205-patient randomized, comparative trial found that at six months, patients with bifurcations in the Cypher stent arm were three times less likely to experience restenosis than patients in the Taxus stent arm of the study. The late loss results in the main vessel and adjoining side branch also favored those patients treated with the Cypher stent.

The study results were presented at the annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in November 2005 in Dallas (TX, USA). The findings are supported by a clinical trial program that included more than 40 studies.

本文关键字: Cypher支架,Taxus支架 
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