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Oxoid公司推出气体生成系统有利于培养厌氧菌 【 2006-08-01 发布 】 美迪医讯
要成功培养厌氧和微厌氧微生物,依赖于合适的大气条件。Oxoid公司(Basingstoke, UK)研发了AnaeroGen系统,这是一种大气生成系统,能够快速反应生成<1%的氧气,在30分钟内添加二氧化碳,适合培养生长条件苛刻的厌氧微生物。Oxoid公司的CampyGen产生微厌氧大气,十分适合弯曲杆菌属的生长,而Oxoid公司的CO2Gen生成浓缩厌氧环境,能够改善生长条件苛刻微生物的生长,例如嗜血杆菌属和奈瑟球菌属。 Successful culture of anaerobic and microaerophilic organisms relies on achieving the right atmospheric conditions. Oxoid (Basingstoke, UK) has developed AnaeroGen, an atmosphere-generation system, which reacts rapidly to produce an atmosphere of < 1% oxygen supplemented with carbon dioxide within 30 minutes, facilitating the culture of fastidious and obligate anaerobes. Oxoid CampyGen produces a microaerobic atmosphere ideal for the growth of Campylobacter species, while Oxoid CO2Gen achieves an enriched aerobic environment that improves the growth of fastidious organisms such as Haemophilus and Neisseria species. 本文关键字:
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