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美CardiacAssist公司推出TandemHeart PTVA系统

【 2007-02-22 发布 】 美迪医讯



一种近期投入使用的重量很轻节约空间的辅助控制器,能够配备在床边输液架或者桌子上。该设备主要适用于交流电源(AC),但是配备的电池储备电源足够使用1小时。TandemHeart PTVA系统是美国CardiacAssist公司(Pittsburgh, PA, USA)产品,已经获得美国食品药品管理(FDA)批准,在6小时之内短期应用。
The TandemHeart PTVA System
A short-term extracorporeal circulatory support system provides cardiac assistance through a percutaneous cardiac catheterization procedure in as little as 30 minutes.

The TandemHeart percutaneous transseptal ventricular assist (PTVA) system is a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) designed to be used as a short-term circulatory support system for procedures not requiring complete cardiopulmonary bypass. The system is comprised of three elements: The TandemHeart pump provides the circulating power to pull oxygenated blood from the left atrium and to return it to the systemic arterial circulation; the TandemHeart cannula set connects the pump to the body by way of two percutaneous access points in the patient's groin; and the TandemHeart controller provides operating power to the pump, a controlled flow of lubricant to the pump, and automatic system monitoring and alarms indicating conditions that require attention.

A recently introduced lightweight, space-saving escort controller is also available, which can be mounted at bedside, on an intravenous (IV) pole, or on a table top. It is intended primarily for alternating current (AC) power use, but has enough battery back-up power for an hour of operation. The TandemHeart PTVA system is a product of CardiacAssist (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), and has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for short-term use for up to six hours.

本文关键字: CardiacAssist,TandemHeart PTVA 
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