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【 2007-07-24 发布 】 美迪医讯

“这项新发现有助于快速对此疾病进行治疗。” McGill眼科基因中心主任,此项研究的负责人Robert Koenekoop博士说,“我们研究的主要目标是确定所有与儿童先天性失明相关的基因并且在随后的研究中建立起相应的基因治疗方法以挽回丧失的视力。”


SNP微序列技术可加快基因定位的速度并且使人们在几个月内就能分离相应的基因,而不是以前的几年。“此技术在未来可能会成为确定其他视网膜以及导致失明疾病相关基因的方法。” Koenekoop博士说道。


LCA: Gene Responsible for Blindness in Infants Identified

A study has identified a gene responsible for Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), the most common cause of congenital blindness in infants and small children.
“This discovery has the potential to fast-track a cure for this disease,” says lead investigator Dr. Robert Koenekoop, director of the McGill Ocular Genetics Centre at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). “Our main research goal is to identify all the genes responsible for congenital blindness in children and then study them so that we can then use gene therapy to rescue their vision.” 

The researchers used a new technique called SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) technology to identify homozygous regions in the genome, which led to the discovery of the new gene called LCA5. In the past, large families were necessary to find genes, but in this study only samples from one Quebec and one American patient were used to accomplish this. 

The SNP micro array technology accelerated the process of locating the gene and enabled the investigators to isolate it within a few months instead of several years. “This method may become a model for identifying other retinal diseases and causes of blindness in the future,” says Dr. Koenekoop.
The same international research team identified the CEP290 gene last year, the most common genetic cause of LCA . By using the protein structure of CEP290, the investigators were able to discover LCA5, as they have similar structures and functions in the retina. Both the CEP290 and LCA5 genes encode proteins with vital functions in the cilium of the photoreceptors, transporting visual proteins to the compartment where vision occurs. When these genes are mutated, which occurs in about 25 to 30 per cent of blind children, the visual proteins are not transported properly to the outer segments, causing the photoreceptors to stop working and die. 

本文关键字: 与婴儿失明相关的基因 
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