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【 2007-07-24 发布 】 美迪医讯




Shock Wave Therapy Eases Heel Pain 
A new device uses extracorporeal shock wave therapy to treat chronic proximal plantar faciitis. 

The EMS Swiss Dolorclast is a non-invasive device that generates therapeutic sound waves to treat heel pain associated with plantar faciitis, also known as a heel spur. The device consists of a control unit and a handpiece with a treatment applicator mounted on the end that is held in contact with the heel.

Compressed air is used to drive a metal projectile cylinder within the handpiece toward the applicator. When the projectile hits the applicator inside the handpiece, a shock wave is generated, which is transferred to the treatment site. While the highest energy density is at the point of contact of the applicator, the shockwave travels radially outward into the soft tissue surrounding the point of contact. 

The device should not be used over or near bone growth center until bone growth is complete; when a malignant disease is known to be present in or near the treatment area; when there is an infection in the area to be treated; over ischemic tissue in individuals with vascular disease; in patients who have blood clotting (coagulation) disorders or are taking anticoagulant medications; and in patients having a prosthetic device in the area to be treated. The Swiss Dolorclast is a product of Electro Medical Systems (EMS, Nyon, Switzerland). 

Chronic proximal plantar faciitis is recurring inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of connective tissue on the bottom of the foot that stretches from the base of the toes to the heel. Pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel, and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. It is commonly associated with long periods of weight-bearing activities. Obesity and sudden weight gain are also associated with this condition.

本文关键字: 冲击波疗法 脚后跟疼痛 
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