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奥地利TMA Medical公司的远程移动监护产品上市

【 2012-10-15 发布 】 美迪医讯

Breakthrough in Telemedicine and E-health with the Mobile Care Unit Mobile Care Unit (MCU) Designed for stationary or portable use within telemedicine applications, the MCU is a stand alone multi-device examination system operated and controlled by a dedicated tablet-PC.

The MCU enables a wide range of examinations.
A homogeneous electronic medical record is created and will be transmitted using various internet connectivity methods (Lan, WLan, 3G, WiFi, PSTN, Satellite).

The MCU is easy to customize and interface with existing telemedicine platforms. In addition, with the assistance of Video Conferencing the MCU is the ideal medical tool for use in remote areas, emergency and prevention.

The MCU enables a wide range of examinations (12 lead ECG, NIBP, SPO2, Spirometer, Blood monitor (Lipids, glucose, Ketones), Urine analysis, Hematology, Defibrillator, Ultrasound…) while creating a homogeneous electronic medical record that can be reviewed and transported anywhere (3G, Satellite.…).

Vision conferencing multi point makes the MCU ideal for remote areas, emergency and remote consultation.


本文关键字: 移动监护 奥地利 
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