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【 2004-11-15 发布 】 美迪医讯






Surgical Weight Loss Improves Diabetic Status

Although obesity poses serious health implications as a harbinger of type 2 diabetes, surgical weight loss is a way to achieve normal blood sugar levels and reduce the need for medication to control type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Obesity-Related Illness (CORI, New York, NY).

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA) state that 20% or more of adults in the United States are obese. Obesity leads to an escalating risk for diseases such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. The CDC notes that if current trends persist, obesity will become the leading U.S. cause of preventable death. For obese people, surgical weight loss is the most effective lasting solution for losing 100 pounds or more.

A new surgical technique for weight loss has been developed by the cofounder of CORI, James A. Sapala, M.D., chief of bariatric surgery at St. Vincent抯 Hospital-Manhattan (New York, NY, USA). This technique, called the Sapala-Wood Micropouch, consists of an open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery with a very small pouch, which to date has not required a revision. More than 90% of Micropouch patients lose 75% of their excess weight within two years of surgery, equaling or surpassing the weight reduction achieved with Roux-en-Y bypass surgery without the Micropouch. The procedure requires smaller incisions, which means smaller scars long-term.

Another procedure called Lap-Band uses the same laparoscopic tools and techniques as laparoscopic gastric bypass, but an adjustable band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach to create a small pouch that restricts how much the stomach can hold. The average weight loss is 36-38% of excess weight two to three years after surgery.

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