  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 无需手术即可植入的新型心脏泵上市  


【 2004-11-19 发布 】 美迪医讯


英国国民医疗服务信托Hammersmith医院(Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust)的一位患者成为英国首例接受这种作用于心脏的微小仪器。Hammersmith医院的医生成功地将世界上最小的心脏支持系统(该仪器只有4毫米大小)通过腹股沟动脉插管,在导向导线的引导下植入患者的心脏。


“这些仪器正在变得越来越经济合算,尤其是当你将它们作为其他昂贵治疗(包括反复的侵入性手术、心脏移植、以及住院时间延长等)替代选择的时候”,该医院的心脏外科医生彼得史密斯先生(Peter Smith)表示,“我们对这种仪器能够如此之好地发挥作用感到十分惊喜,对这种技术的未来充满信心。”


联系人:Simon Wilde
Press and Communications Manager, R&D
电话:+0020 8383 4549


New Device: First Heart Pump Inserted without Surgery

For the first time in the UK a new artificial heart pump was inserted into a patient without the need for surgery. The device provides temporary support for the heart muscle during the critical period after a heart attack or surgery.

A patient at Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust has become the first patient in the UK to receive a tiny device for the heart. Doctors at Hammersmith Hospital successfully placed the world's smallest heart support system, a 4mm-wide device, into the patient's heart by inserting it into an artery in the groin and passing it up into the heart along guide wires.

The pump assisted the patient's heart in the crucial few hours after coronary artery bypass surgery. The device offers hope for patients previously considered too ill to be operated on by providing temporary support for the heart muscle during the critical period after a heart attack or surgery.

The implanted pump sits in the left ventricle, the largest chamber of the heart. Despite its tiny size it can pump up to 2.5 litres of blood every minute. Because it is so small, it can be put in place without the need for any surgery. The pump uses an electrical motor connected to a 3mm wire which extends out of the patient, where it is connected to a battery and control pack the size of a small laptop computer. The pump can remain in place for up to five days.

"These devices are becoming increasingly cost-effective, especially when you consider the alternative to using them, which includes repeat invasive surgery and possibly transplant, and extended stays in hospital”, comments Mr Peter Smith, cardiac surgeon at Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust. "We have been astounded by how well this has worked, and have high hopes for the future of this technology.”

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