  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 美国Quill公司无需打结自我锚定的医用缝合线推向市场  


【 2004-11-23 发布 】 美迪医讯



Quill医学公司执行总裁和总监Matthew Megaro指出:“全球外科医生每年使用数千万缝合线来闭合伤口与修补组织,所有这些缝合线都必须打结。而Quill自我锚定缝合线则无需这种耗时而费力的打结过程,对所有的外科医生和患者都十分有利。”
这种自我锚定的缝合线是由Quill医学公司主席Gregory Ruff医学博士发明的,他在杜克大学医学中心(Duke University Medical Center)外科工作了17年。Quill公司的产品针对普外科、整形外科和美容领域的不同需求。

Self-Anchoring Suture Needs No Knot
A new self-anchoring suture is designed for wound closure of dermal tissue. The suture has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The Barbed Polydioxanone suture is the first in a series of tissue repair devices being developed by Quill Medical, Inc. (Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), based on the company’s patented new suture technology. More than 40 obstetrician/gynecologists participated in a trial involving 195 patients to demonstrate the performance of the suture in closing a cesarian section incision. The doctors found the suture to be easier and faster to use than conventional suture material, the company advises.
“Surgeons worldwide use hundreds of millions of sutures each year to close wounds and repair tissue, all of which are secured with suture knots,” observed Matthew Megaro, president and CEO of Quill Medical. “The Quill self-anchoring suture eliminates painstaking and time-consuming knot-tying, a benefit to nearly all surgeons and patients.”
The self-anchoring suture was invented by Gregory Ruff, M.D., chairman of Quill Medical, who for 17 years was a member of the department of surgery at Duke University Medical Center. Quill’s products target diverse applications in general surgery, orthopedic, and aesthetics fields.

本文关键字: 自我锚定的医用缝合线 
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