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【 2004-12-02 发布 】 美迪医讯


该项研究包括31例严重脑组织创伤患者。目前认为咖啡因在机体内是通过与腺苷受体的相互作用而发挥生理效应的,腺苷受体广泛存在于机体中以及大脑实质中。特别是被称为A1的特定受体在脑组织创伤的病理过程中发挥保护神经元的作用。根据匹兹堡大学医学院复苏研究Safar中心主任Patrick M. Kochanek医学博士的说法,咖啡因是通过促进脑组织中A1新受体的合成从而改善脑组织创伤的预后,但也可能是通过其它机制而发挥作用。



Caffeine Improves Brain Injury Outcome
A study has revealed a link between the presence of caffeine in the body and favorable outcomes following severe brain injury in humans. The finding was reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in Las Vegas (NV, USA) in October 2004.

The study included 31 patients who had suffered severe brain injuries. Caffeine is thought to produce its biologic effects on people through interactions with adenosine receptors, found throughout the body and with substantial localization in the brain. Certain receptors called A1 receptors are especially protective to neurons during brain injury. Caffeine may provide benefits for traumatic brain injury by stimulating the synthesis of new A1 receptors in the brain or through other mechanisms, according to Patrick M. Kochanek, M.D., director of the Safar Center for Resuscitation Research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (PA, USA).

“Caffeine use may be up-regulating adenosine A1 receptors, which in turn gives the brain a stronger defense at the time of crisis,” remarked Dr. Kochanek. “Brain trauma is a common problem in neuroanesthesiology units, and there currently is no specific pharmacologic therapy available for brain injury treatment that improves patient outcomes.”

Although more studies are needed to fully understand caffeine’s effects on the central nervous system, Dr. Kochanek noted that “The data suggest that if you happen to have a severe head injury, having had some caffeine consumption, or just being a regular caffeine consumer, provides you with some protection against the evolution of damage in the brain once the injury has occurred.”

本文关键字: 咖啡因,脑组织创伤 
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