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【 2004-12-06 发布 】 美迪医讯

美迪医疗网成扬报道:加拿大CryoCath科技公司(Montreal, Canada)已经授权批准美国ATS医疗公司(Minneapolis, MN, USA)共同享有用于心率不齐消融术的外科冷冻治疗产品的市场开发权以及世界其它地区的独家销售权。



“这是唯一能够比得上Cox III迷宫手术(该方法是手术治疗终止心率不齐发作的金标准)的治疗方法。”ATS医疗公司总裁Michael D. Dale评论说,“我们兴奋异常,因为现在能够将CryoCath公司先进的的消融工艺与我们公司先进的机械心脏瓣膜一起进行销售。”

CryoCath and ATS in Global Alliance
U.S. co-promotion rights to market surgical cryotherapy products for the ablation of cardiac arrhythmias as well as exclusive distribution rights for the rest of the world have been granted by CryoCath Technologies (Montreal, Canada) to ATS Medical, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN, USA).

The transaction allows CryoCath to continue its quest to become a dominant force in the atrial fibrillation (AF) market. The company is a leading global supplier of cryotherapy solutions. Use of cryotherapy to treat cardiac arrhythmias during cardiac surgery involves the use of extremely cold temperatures to treat targeted tissue while leaving underlying connective tissue largely unaffected. CryoCath notes that in procedures near critical structures of the heart where safety is vital, freezing preserves tissue integrity and minimizes the risk of endocardial thrombus associated with heat-based energy sources.

AF has become the most common complication of cardiovascular surgery. Using cryotherapy for ablating tissue responsible for arrhythmias removes heat from target tissue, slowing cellular activity as it cools. The well-demarcated lesions heal quickly. Cryotherapy can be used with all incision types in conjunction with any surgical procedure and can be used in a beating heart or an arrested heart.

“It is the only approach that can create the complete set of lesions required to emulate the Cox III Maze procedure, the gold-standard surgical treatment to stop AF,” commented Michael D. Dale, president and CEO of ATS Medical. “We are very excited to now have the ability to sell a superior ablation technology alongside our outstanding mechanical heart valve.”

本文关键字: CryoCath公司,ATS公司 
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