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【 2004-12-07 发布 】 美迪医讯

美国Pria医学诊断公司(Menlo Park, CA, USA)与Vanderbilt大学(Nashville, TN, USA)宣布进行生物武器检查与新出现疾病检查领域的合作。



“Vanderbile大学在生物微电子机械系统领域具有世界级研究水平,”Pria公司首席科技官员Jason Pyle博士说,“将他们的技术与我们的平台进行整合,预示着以前只能在实验室进行的荧光检测方法将具有更多的灵活性。”美迪医疗网成扬报道。

Companies to Collaborate on Bioweapons Detection
A collaboration focused on bioweapons and emerging-disease detection has been announced by Pria Diagnostics (Menlo Park, CA, USA) and Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA).

The companies plan to combine Pria’s miniaturized fluorescence reader with Vanderbilt’s lab-on-a-chip diagnostic assays to develop products that can rapidly detect immunofluorescent antigens in a handheld package. They intend to use the combined technologies to produce laboratory-quality infectious disease testing, initially for applications in the detection of mobile bioweapons and emerging diseases.

Pria’s microfluorimeter combines solid-state component, polymer optics, and an integrated digital control system to replace the complex machinery used in current fluorescent detectors. As a result, the platform is portable, lightweight, and mechanically robust in a device that can be manufactured at low cost in high volume. The microfluorimeter has the sensitivity and fidelity required in a wide range of fluorescent assays, including the screening for chemical and biologic weapons, chronic and infectious diseases, and hazardous environmental conditions.

“Vanderbilt has clearly differentiated itself as a world class research facility in the area of biological MEMS (microelectromechanical systems),” noted Jason Pyle, Ph.D., chief scientific officer for Pria. “The integration of their technology with our platform shows how fluorescence testing achieves diagnostic capabilities previously only available through a laboratory.”

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