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【 2004-12-11 发布 】 美迪医讯




Fishcer影像公司总裁Harris Ravine说:“现在,SenoScan2系统允许操作者得到最清晰的影像,为用户度身定制工作台以满足不同需要。飞利浦公司的参与确保了Fischer公司拥有的槽式扫描技术的临床应用,将极大扩大“终端-终端”数字x线乳房摄像术的影像。”

Philips to Sell Specialized Mammography System

Under the terms of a new agreement, Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands) will sell, service, and support a specialized digital mammography system integrated with Philips’ Unique image processing and user interface, thereby extending its product range.

The system will be based on the SenoScan2 System developed by Fischer Imaging (Denver, CO, USA), which provides both 50- and 25-micron native diagnostic resolution. Fischer signed a three-year, global agreement with Philips.

The new slot scanning digital mammography (SSDM) system provides a very high image resolution with a dramatically reduced radiation dose and virtual elimination of motion artifacts. The technology utilizes a tightly collimated x-ray beam that scans in precise alignment with a narrow slotted image receptor. This highly efficient design virtually eliminates the negative effects of scatter radiation without requiring the use of a grid. The result is clear, high-resolution images with up to 60% reduction in radiation dose.

“Now, the SenoScan2 enables users to fully maximize image quality with customizable workstations that will scale to their needs. The partnership with Philips validates the clinical impact of Fischer’s patented slot scan technology and will dramatically expand access to powerful end-to-end digital mammography detection,” remarked Harris Ravine, Fischer Imaging president and CEO.

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