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【 2005-02-22 发布 】 美迪医讯


这些注射器有着广泛的应用领域,叫做Procedur-10和Procedur-SF,在外科手术中使用交互技术从而允许同时注射和吸取液体或者组织。特殊应用包括影像介导的手术比如活检和羊膜穿刺术。在临床试验中,使用这种注射器减轻了患者疼痛、减少了手术时间而且提高了满意度。这种系列的注射器是由Wilmer L. Sibbitt医生发明的,他是新墨西哥大学健康科学中心(Albuquerque, USA)内科学教授。

该系列的注射器由Avanca医学设备公司(Albuquerque, NM, USA)进行商品化的,该公司从新墨西哥大学的科学与技术公司获得了与Procedur系列注射器相关的知识产权。

Specialty Syringes Aid Surgeons
A new family of syringes designed for interventional specialty procedures allow doctors to inject and aspirate with one hand while maintaining needle stability.

There are extensive applications for the syringes, called Procedur-10 and Procedur-SF, in surgical procedures using reciprocal technology that allows the injection and withdrawal of fluids or tissues simultaneously. Specific applications include image-guided procedures such as biopsies and amniocentesis. In clinical trials, use of the syringes resulted in less patient pain, reduced procedure time, and improved provider satisfaction. The family of syringes was invented by Wilmer L. Sibbitt, Jr., M.D., professor of internal medicine at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (Albuquerque, USA).

The syringes are being commercialized by Avanca Medical Devices (Albuquerque, NM, USA), which has licensed the intellectual property related to the Procedur family of syringes from the Science and Technology Corp. at the University of New Mexico.

“The total number of products that can benefit from the Procedur devices in interventional radiology, gynecology, prenatal diagnosis, anesthesiology, and surgery is enormous and indicates great market potential,” said Dr. Sibbitt, who is also chairman and CSO of Avanca.

本文关键字: Avanca公司,专业注射器 
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