  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Steris公司开发出针对MRSA的有效杀菌剂  


【 2005-03-06 发布 】 美迪医讯


获得的喷雾过氧化氢(VHP)工艺是由Steris有限公司(Basingstoke, UK)开发的。它已经被用于消毒医院病房、隔离室、手术室以及运输工具。当前的研究正在评估VHP杀灭严重急性呼吸综合征(SARSS)以及其它病毒的效率,在德国地研究业已证实它能够有效杀灭导致结合的细菌。《柳叶刀》2004年8月7日的一篇报道指出:独特的干燥VHP程序能够灭活导致Creutzfeld-Jakob病和疯牛病的朊病毒。这项工艺正在为许多制药企业和研究实验室提供无菌环境,还被两家美国联邦大楼用于清除炭疽污染。


Queen Mary医学院John Oxford教授评论说:“看起来这种工艺能够有效对付各种病毒包括流感和SARS病毒。与Steris公司合作开展使用VHP工艺杀灭流感和SARS病毒的试验即将在几天后进行。”
New Microbicide Effective Against MRSA
New decontamination technology is effective against infectious organisms in hospitals, including methecillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

The patented vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) technology was developed by Steris Ltd. (Basingstoke, UK). It has been used to decontaminate hospital wards, isolation rooms, operating theaters, and transfer vehicles. Current research is evaluating VHP’s efficacy against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and other viruses, while research in Germany has confirmed its effectiveness against the bacteria that cause tuberculosis. A report in the August 7, 2004, issue of The Lancet noted that the unique dry VHP process can inactivate prions that cause Creutzfeld-Jakob disease and mad cow disease. The technology is providing a sterile environment in many pharmaceutical facilities and research laboratories, and has also been used to remediate anthrax contamination in two U.S. federal buildings.

The technology uses a low-temperature, dry vapor process proven to be highly effective against pathogenic organisms and bacterial spores. The process is environmentally friendly, noncarcinogenic, noncorrosive at use concentrations, and does not leave any toxic residues. Unlike many other antimicrobials, the vapor breaks down into the nontoxic by-products of water vapor and oxygen.

“It looks very interesting for tackling a range of viruses, including influenza and SARS,” commented Professsor John Oxford, of Queen Mary’s Medical School (London, UK). “Working with Steris we will be commencing trials for using VHP technology to eradicate influenza and SARS in a matter of days.”

本文关键字: Steris公司,MRSA,杀菌剂 
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