  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Biosite公司研发出对乙酰氨基酚的药物快速筛查方法  


【 2005-03-14 发布 】 美迪医讯

一种新型快速床边诊断检测能够检测尿液中的对乙酰氨基酚。这种方法叫做Triage TOX药物筛查,已经获得了美国食品药品管理局的许可。


根据美国国家临床生物化学学会指导大纲,每一例疑似故意大剂量服用患者都应当在1小时以内进行对乙酰氨基酚筛查。Ken Buechler博士是Biosite公司(San Diego, CA, USA)总裁和首席科学官员,正是他开发了这项检测方法。他指出:“因为Triage TOX药物筛查使用Triage MeterPlus平台,这就使得在床边检测在大约15分钟之内就可以得到结果。我们相信这能够减少检测对乙酰氨基酚的时间。”

Drug Screen for Acetaminophen

A novel, rapid point-of-care (POC) diagnostic test detects acetaminophen in urine. Called Triage TOX drug screen, the test has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Overdose from acetaminophen is the leading cause for calls to the U.S. Poison Control Centers and is estimated to represent 5% (275,000) of the 5.2 million U.S. total toxic exposures annually. Acetaminophen is one of the most widely used analgesics in the world and is found in more than 100 common over-the-counter and prescription products. While the drug has an excellent safety profile, toxicity can occur after intentional overdose or acute ingestion of 150-250 mg per kg of body weight.

According to the U.S. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry guidelines, every patient suspected of intentional drug ingestion should be screened for acetaminophen in one hour or less,” noted Ken Buechler, Ph.D., president and chief scientific officer of Biosite Incorporated (San Diego, CA, USA), which developed the test.
“Because the Triage TOX drug screen uses the Triage MeterPlus platform, which produces results in approximately 15 minutes at the point of care, we believe it can improve turnaround time for acetaminophen.”

The company is offering three different combinations of analytes to cover the eight major classes of drugs. The tests will be available in English-speaking countries worldwide and in other countries upon approval by local regulatory agencies.

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