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【 2005-03-15 发布 】 美迪医讯



Caddo Parish公司刚刚完成了部署这种新系统的第一阶段工程,系统行政主管Arthur Meacham评论说:“为我们EMS工作人员提供电子手段来完成报告,然后连接回传给我们的记录系统,这是无法估价的事情。我们首批使用者花费了无数时间来处理过时的纸质系统,写出我们的报告然后进入工作台重新输入计算机。”

这套系统联合使用了HealthWare解决方案公司(Arcata, CA, USA)研制的软件以及Bio-key国际集团(Wall, NJ, USA)的医疗档案管理系统,叫做FireRMS。结果是设计流线型报告领域并减少了一线工作人员完成报告的时间。

Bio-key国际公司首席执行官Mike DePasquale说:“Bio-key承诺为首批回应者提供完整的解决方案,使他们的操作流畅,能够着重于保护他们团体的安全。”
EMS Data Collection System
A new electronic medical system for the mobile collection of field data will enable emergency medical system workers (EMS) to capture patient demographics, medical interventions, vital signs, and other information on a pen tablet while in the field.

That same information is then sent to the patient’s records system, automatically populating the appropriate fields in the incident report. The system eliminates the time-consuming process of manually entering thousands of patient-care reports every year and significantly improves accuracy by eliminating transcription errors.

“Providing our EMS personnel with an electronic means for completing a report and then linking that back to our records system is invaluable,” commented Arthur Meacham, systems administrator for Caddo Parish (LA, USA), which has just completed the first phase of deploying the new system.

“Our first responders spent countless hours with the old paper system, writing out reports and then coming into the station to re-enter the data into a computer.”

The new system employs software developed by HealthWare Solutions (Arcata, CA, USA) combined with a records-management system of Bio-key International, Inc. (Wall, NJ, USA), called FireRMS. The result is designed to streamline field reporting and reduce completion time for front-line personnel.

“Bio-key is committed to providing first responders complete solutions to streamline their operations so they can focus on the protection and safety of their community,” said Mike DePasquale, CEO of Bio-key International.

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