  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 瑞典CellaVision公司的白细胞自动分析仪投放欧洲市场  


【 2005-04-08 发布 】 美迪医讯


这种分析是通过人工神经网络进行的,这种网络是根据大型细胞数据库进行培训的。分类前细胞能够清晰地呈现在屏幕上,便于鉴定。这套系统叫做CellaVision DM8,是公司CellaVision DM96型的半自动版本。

这套系统瞄准中型实验室,系统具有半自动切片处理功能,一次可以处理多达8张切片。这套系统还能够与其它安装在同一地点或者边远位置的CellaVision DM产品共享数据库,允许通过局域网(LAN)远程进入检查结果和图像。这套系统是瑞典CellaVision公司(Lund, Sweden)产品。2005年3月在阿姆斯特丹实验室自动化会议上CellaVision DM8在欧洲开始投放市场。


Automated Analysis of White Blood Cells
A new automated image analysis system locates and pre-classifies the various types of white blood cells.

The analysis is performed by an artificial neural network, trained on a large database of cells. The pre-classified cells are clearly presented on screen for easy verification. This system, called CellaVision DM8, is a semi-automated version of the company’s CellaVision DM96.

The system is directed at medium-sized laboratories with its semi-automated slide handling of up to eight slides at a time. It can share databases with other CellaVision DM products installed at the same or remote locations, allowing remote access to results and images via a local area network (LAN). The system is the product of CellaVision (Lund, Sweden). The CellaVision DM8 was launched in Europe at the Laboratory Automation conference in Amsterdam in March 2005.

CellaVision’s DiffMaster locates, identifies, and pre-classifies blood cells by means of automatic microscopy and advanced image processing. The microscope is connected to a computer equipped with software based on a large cell database. The software controls the microscope and a camera that finds and photographs images of blood cells, then suggests classifications of the cell types. In most cases, the operator merely confirms the classifications and can focus on borderline classifications.

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