  首页 > 美迪医讯 > OmniGuide公司推出用于微创手术新型激光输送系统  


【 2005-05-28 发布 】 美迪医讯


CO2激光波长是微米,具有独特的组织相互作用特点,包括高度局限的热效应,极低的和可控制的穿透深度,还能够凝固小~中等的血管。迄今为止,还没有能够完全输送CO2激光光束的柔性输送机制。OmniGuide Beam Path CO2 Mark I激光光束输送系统利用光子能带隙技术使用中空纤维战胜了这种挑战,该技术是由麻省理工学院的Yoel Fink教授研制开发的。



OmniGuide公司总裁兼首席执行官Steve Sheng博士说:“FDA批准我们公司的柔性纤维CO2输送系统是我们核心医学事业的巨大成功。FDA的批准将允许OmniGuide能够完全投入人类手术市场,并将新型微创治疗手术推进到更多的专业之中。”
New Laser for Minimally Invasive Surgery
A new laser beam delivery system based on photonic bandgap technology delivers CO2 laser light through flexible or rigid endoscopes. The system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for multiple indications.

The CO2 laser wavelength, at 10.6 microns, offers unique tissue interaction characteristics that include highly localized thermal effects, ultra-low and controllable depth of penetration, as well as the ability to coagulate small-to-medium blood vessels. Until now, there has been no adequate flexible delivery mechanism for CO2 laser beams. The OmniGuide Beam Path CO2 Mark I laser beam delivery system has overcome this challenge by utilizing a hollow-core fiber based on photonic bandgap technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Boston, USA) by Prof. Yoel Fink.

The FDA has cleared the system for the incision, excision, ablation, vaporization, and coagulation of body soft tissues, including intraoral tissues, in the medical specialties of general and plastic surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, dermatology, endoscope and open surgical procedures related to gynecology, otorhinolaryngology, gastroenterology, neurosurgery, and pulmonary surgery for surgical and aesthetic applications.

The laser beam delivery system was developed by OmniGuide, Inc. (Cambridge, MA, USA), a company founded by Prof. Fink and colleagues. The company has an exclusive license from MIT on omnidirectional reflectors.

“The FDA clearance of our flexible fiber delivery system for CO2 lasers is a huge step forward for our core medical business,” observed Dr. Steve Sheng, president and CEO of OmniGuide. “The clearance will allow OmniGuide to fully engage the human surgical market and drive new minimally invasive treatment modalities in multiple specialties.”

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