  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Sorin公司推出新型心脏电复律器-除颤器  


【 2005-07-05 发布 】 美迪医讯


一种新型植入式心脏电复律器-除颤器(ICD),叫做Ovatio CRT-D,为单室或者双室包括Parad软件用于检测心室纤颤。Parad能够把患者由于AF接受不恰当治疗的危险降低到0.3%。


Sorin集团商业部总裁Andre-Michel Ballester说:“Ovatio CRT-D投入使用是Sorin集团公司承诺为心脏衰竭患者开发最佳治疗方案的又一明证。”Sorin集团在开发下述医疗技术中处于领先地位:心脏外科技术、心脏节律控制的创新治疗方案、介入心脏病学以及慢性肾脏疾病。

New Cardioverter-Defibrillator
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is designed to detect ventricular arrhythmias and protect heart failure patients from inappropriate shocks that may result from atrial fibrillation (AF).

A new implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), called Ovatio CRT-D, comes as a single chamber or a dual chamber and includes Parad software for the detection of ventricular arrhythmias. Parad has been shown to decrease a patient’s risk of receiving inappropriate therapy due to AF to only 0.3%.

Ovatio was developed by ELA (Munich, Germany), a Sorin Group company. The first implant was in a 78-year-old man with a history of ischemic cardiomyopathy due to coronary artery disease. Other implants are scheduled to take place in France, Great Britain, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The Ovatio has received the CE mark. Ovatio provides flexible biventricular therapy programming, including ventricle-to-ventricle timing.

“The introduction of Ovatio CRT-D is another illustration of the Sorin Group CRM’s commitment to delivering optimal care to the heart failure patient,” remarked Andre-Michel Ballester, president of the Sorin Group’s business unit. Sorin Group is a leading developer of medical technologies for cardiac surgery, innovative therapies for cardiac rhythm management, interventional cardiology, and the treatment of chronic kidney diseases.

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