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3. 0 T MR 检测胸导管的临床意义

【 2008-07-09 发布 】 临床报道  


3. 0 T MR 检测胸导管的临床意义
于德新 李传福 张晓明 修建军 王茜 孟祥水
【摘要】 目的 利用3. 0 T MR 重T2WI 技术对成人胸导管进行成像, 并探讨病变对其形态的影
响。方法 对139 例患者进行胸腹部三维MR 胰胆管成像( MR cholangiopancreatography, MRCP) , 选
取达到测量要求的97 例, 并分为正常对照组、门静脉高压组和胆管扩张组。观察乳糜池和胸导管的
形态、位置、淋巴干、淋巴管等情况, 并对其上下径、左右径和前后径等进行测量, 探讨以上测量数值在
各组之间的差异。结果 乳糜池的形态变异较大, 73. 20% ( 71 例) 为管状或梭形, 84. 54% ( 82 例) 位
于第1、2 腰椎水平之间, 74. 23%( 72 例) 位于椎体中央的前方。乳糜池平均的长径、前后径和左右径
分别为( 26. 94 ±10. 24) 、( 4. 86 ±2. 01) 和( 4. 96 ±1. 89) mm。88 例( 90. 72%) 患者的胸导管从乳糜
池上行后在第8 ~11 胸椎水平逐渐转向椎体的左侧再继续上行。在正常对照组、门静脉高压组和胆
管扩张组, 胸导管的左右径分别为( 3. 58 ±0. 95) 、( 4. 83 ±1. 33) 和( 3. 65 ±1. 57) mm, 其差异存在统
计学意义( F = 5. 638, P = 0. 005) , 其他数值在3 组之间差异无统计学意义( P > 0. 05) 。结论 利用
3. 0 T 重T2WI MR 技术可以对胸导管进行有效的显示和测量, 门静脉高压影响胸导管的宽度。
【关键词】 磁共振成像; 胸导管
Detecta bility and mor phological featur es of thor acic duct a t 3. 0 T MR YU De-xin, LI Chuan-fu,
ZHANG Xiao-ming, XIU J ian-jun, WANG Qian, MENG Xia ng-shui. Department of Ima ging Center, Qilu
Hospital of Sha ndong University, J inan 250012, China
Corresponding author: LI Chuan-fu
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To detect the position, configuration, dimensions of the thoracic duct on
heavily T2 -weighted images and to probe the relationship of the dimensions of the thoracic duct and cisterna
chyli between disorders and control groups. Methods Maximum intensity projection ( MIP ) images
originally obtained from three-dimensional MR cholangiopancreatography in 139 patients were reviewed by
two observers to evaluate the thoracic duct, and 42 cases were excluded because of poor reconstructional
images. The location, configuration, lymphatic trunks and small lymphatic channels of cisterna chili were
reviewed, and the dimensions of the thoracic duct and the cisterna chyli were measured and analyzed
statistically among the groups of control group, portal hypertension group and choledochus obstruction group
using one-way analysis of variance test. Results The most common configuration of the cisterna chyli was
tubular or saccular ( 73. 20% ) , 84. 54% of them located at the level of L1, 2 , and 74. 23% anterior to the
midline of the vertebral body. The mean longitudinal, anteroposterior and transverse diameters of the cisterna
chyli were ( 26. 94 ±10. 24 ) mm, ( 4. 86 ±2. 01 ) mm, and( 4. 96 ±1. 89 ) mm respectively, The transverse
diameters of the thoracic duct of contrel group, portal hypertension group and chaledochus obstruction group
were ( 3. 58 ±0. 95 ) vs ( 4. 83 ±1. 33 ) and ( 3. 65 ±1. 57 ) mm, respetively and there was statistical
difference between them( F = 5. 638, P = 0. 005) . 90. 72% of thoracic ducts turned left at the level of T8—
10 . There was a significant difference in the transverse diameters of thoracic duct between the control and
risk groups ( F = 5. 638, P = 0. 005 ) , but the differences in other parameters were not found in this study
( P > 0. 05) . Conclusion Thoracic duct and cisterna chyli can be shown well on heavily T2 -weighted
images at 3. 0 T MR, and the portal hypertension may influence the dimension of thoracic duct.
【Key wor ds】 Magnetic resonance imaging; Thoracic duct3. 0 T MR 检测胸导管的临床意义--胸部.rar
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