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MR 螺旋桨扫描技术在消除伪影方面的临床应用

【 2008-07-29 发布 】 临床报道  


MR 螺旋桨扫描技术在消除伪影方面的
戈明媚 王秋良 刘志钦 刘晓林 廖玉珍 孙玮 孙楠 张英魁
【摘要】 目的 探讨螺旋桨扫描技术( periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines enhanced
reconstruction , PROPELLER) 在临床的应用价值。方法 对10 例健康志愿者在头部晃动状态下、64
例头颅MR 检查中出现躁动不合作或口腔有固定金属异物的患者, 应用PROPELLER 技术进行T2WI
和( 或) 扩散加权成像( DWI) , 与常规T2WI 和( 或) DWI 进行对比。64 例患者中, 脑梗死40 例( 其中
脑干梗死16 例) , 脑梗死伴脑出血1 例, 脑转移瘤3 例, 癫痫、病毒性脑炎和高血压等20 例。56 例为
运动伪影, 8 例为金属异物引起的磁敏感伪影。结果 10 例健康志愿者PROPELLER T2W 图像质量
明显优于常规T2WI。分别对10 例志愿者和56 例患者的常规T2WI、DWI 与PROPELLER T2WI、DWI
的图像进行比较, 显示因运动产生的伪影, 导致图像质量降低, 无法达到诊断要求; 采用PROPELLER
T2WI, 均显著消除伪影的影响, 病变显示清晰, 诊断明确。8 例因固定义齿产生的磁敏感伪影, 采用
PROPELLER DWI, 均明显消除伪影干扰, 获得有诊断价值的图像。结论 应用PROPELLER T2WI、
DWI 技术, 明显消除患者因运动或金属异物造成的伪影, 可生成高分辨率、无伪影、具有临床诊断意
【关键词】 磁共振成像; 图像处理, 计算机辅助; 对比研究
Clinica l applicat ion of MR PROPELLER technology in ar tifact s reduction GE Ming-mei* , WANG
Qiu-lia ng , LIU Zhi-qin, LIU Xiao-lin, LIAO Yu-zhen, SUN Wei, SUN Nan, ZHANG Ying-kui. * Department of
Radiology, General Hospital of Beijing Army, Beijing 100700, China
【Abstra ct 】 Objective The aim of this study was to assess the clinical value of PROPELLER
( periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines enhanced reconstruction, PROPELLER) . Methods Four
sequences of conventionality and PROPELLER axial T2 -weighted imaging ( T2WI) and / or diffusion weighted
imaging ( DWI ) were performed in ten normal volunteers with head ceaseless motion and 64 clinical
subjects. Motion artifacts were observed in 56 patients in unconsciousness and magnetic-sensitive artifacts in
other 8 patients with metallic implants. PROPELLER images and the conventionality images were compared.
Results Sixty-four clinical subjects included the cerebral infarction ( n = 41) , brain metastasis ( n = 3) and
others disorders ( n = 20) . PROPELLER T2WI had clearer and motion-artifact-free images in both volunteers
and patients in unconsciousness. In dental treatment cases , magnetic-susceptibility artifacts were greatly
reduced to an accepted level. Comparing with conventional sequences, PROPELLER T2WI /DWI sequences
showed promising feature in reduction of artifacts and distinctly defined pathological profile. Conclusion
MR PROPELLER technique offers a means of reducing motion and metallic artifacts , and improving image
quality. Intracranial pathology is equally or better demonstrated with PROPELLER.
【Key words】 Magnetic resonance imaging; Image processing, computer-assisted; Comparative

MR 螺旋桨扫描技术在消除伪影方面的--普通.rar

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