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动态增强CT 功能成像评价肺癌肿瘤血管生成的研究

【 2008-08-22 发布 】 临床报道  


动态增强CT 功能成像评价肺癌肿瘤血管
周华 张敏鸣 肖圣祥 王丽君 周敏 邹煜
【摘要】 目的 使用动态增强CT 功能成像( DCE-CT) 方法评价肺癌肿瘤血管生成。方法 对
34 例肺癌进行动态CT 扫描, 记录强化峰值( PH) 、肿块强化达到峰值时间( Tp ) , 计算肿块与主动
脉强化峰值之比( M/A) 、灌注值、相对血管容积( rBV) 和毛细血管通透值( Pm) , 将各值分别与肺癌微
血管密度( MVD) 做相关性分析; 将34 例肺癌分为血管内皮生长因子( VEGF) 表达阳性组和VEGF 表
达阴性组, 分析2 组MVD、各成像参数以及淋巴结转移情况的差异。结果 PH、M/A 、灌注值、rBV、
Pm 分别为( 26. 17 ±9. 17 ) HU、0. 12 ±0. 05、( 0. 31 ±0. 08 ) ml ·min - 1 ·ml - 1 、( 26. 85 ±11. 52) % 、
( 191. 20 ±132. 65) μl·min - 1 ·ml - 1 。PH、M/A 、灌注值、rBV 与MVD 呈正相关, 其中灌注值与MVD
相关性最高( r = 0. 76, P < 0. 0001 ) , Pm 值与MVD 无相关性( r = 0. 30, P > 0. 05 ) ; VEGF 阳性组
MVD 和CT 功能成像参数高于VEGF 阴性组, 两组淋巴结转移情况差异有统计学意义( χ2 = 9. 409,
P < 0. 05) 。结论 DCE-CT 技术可获得较为全面的肺癌血供信息, 有望成为评估肺癌肿瘤血管生成
【关键词】 肺肿瘤; 新生血管化, 病理性; 体层摄影术, X 线计算机; 图像处理, 计算机
Dynamic contra st-enhanced computed tomogr aphy functional imaging for the evaluation of tumor
a ngiogenesis in patients with lung ca rcinoma ZHOU Hua , ZHANG Min-ming, XIAO Sheng-xiang,
WANG Li-jun, ZHOU Min, ZOU Yu. Department of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospita l, Medica l
College, Zhejia ng University, Hangzhou 310003, China
Corresponding author: ZHANG Min-ming, Email: zhangminming@163. com
【Abstra ct 】 Objective To investigate the role of dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography
( DCE-CT) in the evaluation of tumor angiogenesis in patients with lung carcinoma. Methods 34 patients
with pathology-proved pulmonary carcinoma underwent DCE-CT scan before operation. The functional
imaging parameters: peak height( PH) , the time of peak height ( Tp) , the ratio of PH of the mass to aorta
( M/A) , perfusion, the relative blood volume ( rBV) and permeability ( Pm) were calculated and correlated
with the microvessel density ( MVD) of the carcinoma. The functional imaging parameters MVD and the
lymph node involvement between VEGF positive group and VEGF negative group were analyzed.
Results The Perfusion, PH, M/A and rBV correlated positively with MVD ( r = 0. 76, 0. 67, 0. 70, 0. 65
respectively; P < 0. 0001) , and no significant correlation was found between Pm and MVD ( r = 0. 30, P >
0. 05 ) . The functional imaging parameters and MVD of VEGF positive group were higher than those of VEGF
negative group ( P < 0. 05) and the difference of lymph node involvement between two groups was significant
( χ2 = 9. 409, P < 0. 05) . Conclusion DCE-CT functional imaging technique provides general information
of lung carcinoma angiogenesis and alternates non-invasive option for evaluation of tumor angiogenesis in
patients with lung carcinoma.
【Key wor ds】 Lung neoplasms; Neovascarization, pathologic; Tomography, X-ray computed;
Image processing, computer-assisted

动态增强CT 功能成像评价肺癌肿瘤血管--胸部.rar

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