  首页 > 美迪医讯 > Varian公司推出新型多药物检测面板  


【 2005-09-27 发布 】 美迪医讯

5种新型多药面板设备现在能够用于现存OnTrak TesTcard产品系列,进行快速体外诊断。


“我们许多客户十分感谢TesTcard提供的便利性,为他们提供了不会对他们的药物检测程序进行折衷的解决方案。”Varian公司耗材部副总裁兼总经理Stephen Schultheis评论说。“TesTcard不同的菜单选择能够为检测相关药品提供一种可靠而经济的检测方式。”

New OnTrak Multi-Drug Panel
Five new multi-drug panel configurations are available for the existing OnTrak TesTcard product line of rapid in vitro diagnostics.

The new panel enables test administrators to choose from a menu of various screens (3, 4, 5, and 6 drug panels), providing more flexibility while reducing time and costs. TesTcard can be administered in one of two ways: as a single-step dip-and-read test or as a single-step pipette test. Both methods require no reagent mixing, timing, incubation, or special handling. A patented design incorporates unique latex technology that provides results in three to five minutes and can be interpreted for up to six hours. The new panels are the products of Varian, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA).

“Many of our customers will appreciate the flexibility TesTcard offers, providing them with a quality solution that doesn’t compromise the quality of their drug-testing program,” remarked Stephen Schultheis, consumable products vice president and general manager, Varian. “TesTcard’s various menu options enable testing to be done for relevant drugs in an affordable and efficient manner.”

本文关键字: Varian公司 
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