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【 2006-05-17 发布 】 美迪医讯


在该研究中,来自美国Emory大学医学院(Atlanta, GA, USA)的研究人员复习研究了50例接受MDCT胃肠道影像学检查患者的资料。研究人员发现,解读冠状重定格式的平均时间比轴向影像要快30妙,整个群体患者发现的结果在冠状格式的影像要比轴向影像多30个(中位数:260 vs 230)。放射科医生解读冠状影像检查给出报告时候的自信心,也高于解读轴向影像的时候。

Coronal Reformatted Images Improve CT Accuracy
Coronal multiplanar reformatted images can replace traditionally used axial images for interpretation in the multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) assessment of the gastrointestinal tract (GI), improving the speed and accuracy of diagnosis, according to a new study.

For the study, researchers from Emory University School of Medicine (Atlanta, GA, USA) reviewed the MDCTs of 50 patients referred for GI tract imaging. The investigators discovered that the average duration for interpretation of coronal reformats was approximately 30 seconds faster than axial images and that an average of 30 more findings for the total group of patients was reported on coronal evaluations than axial images (a median of 260 vs 230). The interpreting radiologists’ confidence was also revealed to be higher on coronal assessments than on axial images.

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