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【 2008-09-23 发布 】 美迪医讯
这项研究发现,用鼻窦内窥手术去清理鼻窦可以极大的缓解疼痛身体的疼痛。肢体疼痛没有被教科书或者医学期刊列为慢性鼻窦炎的症状,患者有时被诊断为其他无关的疾病如关节炎,情绪沮丧,肌肉疼痛或者慢性疲劳综合症。这个研究的发起者Alexander C. Chester先生谈到。“很遗憾的是,这让很多人没有了解对于鼻窦炎的治疗会改变他们身体的综合状况。”
“我们发现相对于全体人口,日常的肢体疼痛是鼻窦炎患者共同的经历。” Chester先生解释说“证据显示周身疼痛被者被发现患有鼻窦疾病,对于很多认为自己患有两种不同疾病的患者来说是一个解脱”

Symptoms: Sinusitis Patients Feel Severe Pain
A new analysis suggests many patients with sinusitis have pains similar in severity to people in their 80s and those with arthritis or depression. When medicines do not work, researchers say endoscopic surgery can offer relief. 22/09/2008
The study finds that endoscopic sinus surgery to clear clogged sinuses can bring significant pain relief. "Bodily pain is not listed as a symptom of chronic sinusitis in general medical texts or journals and as a result, patients are sometimes diagnosed with unrelated conditions such as arthritis, depression, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome," says the study's author Alexander C. Chester. "Unfortunately, this leave too many people unaware of treatments for sinusitis that can improve their overall condition."
The purpose of the study was to determine if elevated levels of bodily pain were associated with sinusitis and to examine whether bodily pain improved following endoscopic sinus surgery. Chester and his colleagues performed a meta-analysis of eleven studies which included a general, health-related quality-of-life survey with a separate assessment of bodily pain before and after endoscopic sinus surgery on a scale of zero (most bodily pain) to 100 (least bodily pain).
"We found that the daily experience of bodily pain was much more common in patients with sinusitis than in the overall population," explains Chester. "Confirmation that aches and pains occur with sinus disease is
In addition to their findings about the pervasiveness of pain, a majority of the studies analysed showed that following endoscopic sinus surgery, postoperative bodily pain scores improved to values similar to that in the general population.
"Having data showing that pain will improve after sinus surgery is particularly helpful when considering the merits of undergoing surgery when medications fail," explains Chester. He says more than 200,000 endoscopic sinus surgeries are done annually in the United States using a technique considered less invasive and much safer than older methods.

本文关键字: 鼻窦炎 
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