  首页 > 美迪医讯 > 每一个孕妇胎盘中至少有一种杀虫剂  


【 2007-05-23 发布 】 美迪医讯
    María José López Espinosa——来自西班牙格拉纳达大学(Granada)大学放射科及物理医学系,她的博士论文中研究指出:通过分析胎盘后发现,其中存在17中内分泌干扰性有机氯杀虫剂。
    研究还指明,胎盘组织中存在的杀虫剂最多的依次是:DDE(一种DDT的乙烯代谢产物,属于有机氯杀虫剂)92.7%,lindane(林丹) 74.8%, endosulfan diol(二醇硫丹) 62.1% 以及endosulfan-I(异硫丹) 54.2%.在这些中最普遍的是二醇硫丹,它的平均浓度为每克胎盘组织中富集4.15毫微克,令人惊讶的是,668例孕妇样本中,一些患者的胎盘中甚至含有15~17 种杀虫剂。
Pregnant Women: Placenta Has at Least One Pesticide
Every pregnant women has at least one kind of pesticide in their placenta, says a new Spanish study,Even in the womb embryos are exposed to pesticides。
In her doctoral thesis, María José López Espinosa, from the Department of Radiology and Physical Medicine of the University of Granada (UGR), studied the presence of 17 endocrine disruptive organochlorine pesticides through the analysis of the placentas.
     The results showed that the most frequent pesticides present in the placenta tissue are DDE (92.7%), lindane (74.8%), endosulfan diol (62.1%) and endosulfan-I (54.2%). Among these, the most prevalent was endosulfan-diol, with an average concentration of 4.15 nanograms per gram of placenta. Surprisingly, the UGR researcher discovered that some patients’ placentas contained 15 of the 17 pesticides analysed. A total of 668 samples from pregnant women were used.
The study made at the UGR has facilitated research into the association of the characteristics of parents, newborn babies and childbirth with exposure to pesticides found in the mothers’ placenta. Among the aspects associated with a higher presence of pesticides we find an older age, higher body mass index, less weight gained during pregnancy, lower educational level, higher workplace exposure, first-time motherhood and lower weight in babies.
     According to López, “we do not really know the consequences of exposure to disruptive pesticides in children, but we can predict that they may have serious effects, since this placenta exposure occurs at key moments of the embryo’s development”. The research group has conducted several studies which associate exposure to pesticides with neonatal malformations if the genito-urinary system, such as undropped testicles and total fusion of the urethral folds.
    The UGR researcher underlines that “it is possible to control pesticide ingestion by means of a proper diet, which should be healthy and balanced, through consumption of food whose chemical content is low. Moreover, daily exercise and the avoidance of tobacco are very important habits which help to control the presence of pesticides in our organisms.”

MEDICA.de; Source: University of Granada

本文关键字: 孕妇 胎盘 杀虫剂 
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