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多层螺旋CT 计算心室容积的准确性及最佳层厚选择

【 2008-09-01 发布 】 临床报道  


多层螺旋CT 计算心室容积的准确性及
崔炜 Takeshi Kondo Hirofumi Anno 郭玉印 Takahisa Sato Masayoshi Sarai
Hitoshi Shinozaki Satoshi Kakizawa Atsushi Sugiura Keita Oshima
Kazuhiro Katada Hitoshi Hishida
【摘要】 目的 ( 1) 确定Simpson 方法计算心室容积的最佳层厚; ( 2) 评价多层螺旋CT 计算心
室容积的准确性。方法 采用多层螺旋CT( 东芝Aquilion) 扫描系统对14 个人的左室铸型和15 个右
室铸型进行扫描。分别以2. 0、3. 5、5. 0、7. 0 及10. 0 mm 层厚重建左、右心室短轴多平面重组
( multiplanar reformatted image, MPR) 图像。采用标准Simpson 法计算左、右心室铸型的容积。心室铸
型的实际容积通过铸型排除水的容量来计算。结果 各层厚计算的心室容积均高估相应心室的实际
容积[ 左心室高估值介于( 3. 21 ±5. 95) ml 至( 12. 58 ±8. 56) ml 之间, 右心室高估值介于( 10. 22 ±
8. 45) ml 至( 23. 91 ±12. 24) ml 之间] 。各层厚计算的心室容积均与相应的实际心室容积高度相关
( 左心室r 值均> 0. 97, 右心室r 值均> 0. 95) ; 心室容积的高估程度与选择的层厚呈显著正相关( 左
心室r = 0. 998, 右心室r = 0. 996) 。当层厚降至5 mm 时, 计算的心室容积对实际容积的高估值与
2 mm层厚相比不再差异有统计学意义。结论 采用多排Simpson 法计算左、右心室容积时, 5 mm 层
厚是最有效率的层厚。MSCT 可以准确计算左、右心室容积。
【关键词】 体层摄影术, X 线计算机; 心脏容量; 血液动力学
The accur acy of ventr icular volume measur ement and the opt ima l slice thickness by using mult islice
helica l computed tomogr aphy CUI Wei* , Takeshi Kondo, Hirofumi Anno, GUO Yu-yin, Takahisa
Sato, Masayoshi Sa rai, Hitoshi Shinozaki, Satoshi Kakizawa, Atsushi Sugiura , Keita Oshima, Kazuhiro
Katada , Hitoshi Hishida. * Depa rtment of Ca rdiology, The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University,
Shijia zhua ng 050000, China
【Abstra ct 】 Object ive To determine the optimal slice thickness for ventricular volume measurement
by tomographic multislice Simpson′s method and to evaluate the accuracy of ventricular volume measured by
multislice helical computed tomography ( MSCT) in human ventricular casts. Methods Fourteen human
left ventricular ( LV) and 15 right ventricular ( RV) casts were scanned with MSCT scanner by using a
scanning protocol similar to clinical practice. A series of LV and RV short-axis images were reconstructed
with slice thickness of 2 mm, 3. 5 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm, and 10 mm, respectively. Multislice Simpson′s
method was used to calculate LV and RV volumes and true cast volume was determined by water
displacement. Result s The true LV and RV volumes were ( 55. 57 ±28. 91) ml, and ( 64. 23 ±24. 51 )
ml, respectively. The calculated volumes from different slice thickness ranged from ( 58. 78 ±28. 93) ml to
( 68. 15 ±32. 57 ) ml for LV casts, and ( 74. 45 ±27. 81 ) ml to ( 88. 14 ±32. 91) ml for RV casts,
respectively. Both the calculated LV and RV volumes correlated closely with the corresponding true volumes
( all r > 0. 95, P < 0. 001) , but overestimated the corresponding true volume by ( 3. 21 ±5. 95) to ( 12. 58 ±
8. 56) ml for LV and ( 10. 22 ±8. 45) to ( 23. 91 ±12. 24) ml for RV ( all P < 0. 01) . There was a close
correlation between the overestimation and the selected slice thickness for both LV and RV volume
measurements ( r = 0. 998 and 0. 996, P < 0. 001) . However, when slice thickness was reduced to 5. 0 mm,
the overestimation became nonsignificant for slice thickness through 2. 0 mm to 5. 0 mm, and also for both
LV and RV volume measurements . Conclusion Both LV and RV volumes can be accurately calculated with
MSCT. A 5 mm slice thickness is enough and most efficient for accurate measurement of LV and RV
【Key wor ds】 Tomography, X-ray computed; Cardiac volume; Hemodynamics

多层螺旋CT 计算心室容积的准确性及--心血管.rar

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